Welcome to NAMAHA

India's First Spiritual Platform


At NAMAHA, we're not just a company; we're a community of spiritual seekers, innovators, and dreamers united by a common vision: to make spirituality accessible, engaging, and transform for all.


Born out of a shared passion for spirituality and a deep-seated belief in the power of technology to facilitate meaningful connections, NAMAHA was founded with a singular purpose – to create a space where ancient wisdom and modern innovation converge.

Our journey began with a simple idea: to build a platform that would empower individuals to explore and embrace their spiritual paths in a digital age. Guided by this vision, our team of visionary founders set out to turn this dream into reality

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Our Services

Purohit Booking

Experience hassle-free sacred traditions with NAMAHA's Purohit booking service. Whether it's a wedding, housewarming, or any auspicious occasion, our trusted priests uphold tradition with reverence. Book now for authentic rituals conducted with utmost care and devotion.

Astrology Service

Unveil cosmic mysteries with NAMAHA's astrology services! Our expert astrologers provide personalized readings, guiding you through love, career, and personal growth. Illuminate your path and navigate life's challenges with clarity and confidence. Unlock your destiny today !

Spiritual Tourism

Embark on a soul-stirring journey with NAMAHA's spiritual tourism! Explore sacred destinations worldwide, from ancient temples in India to mystical landscapes abroad. Immerse yourself in rich history, culture, and spirituality, guided by knowledgeable practitioners. Awaken your senses, inspire your soul, and be forever changed with NAMAHA's transformative tours!

OUR Founders



With a finance background and spiritual passion, Sattanathan leads NAMAHA towards spiritual enlightenment for all.


Sathish Nagaraj


Precision meets foresight in Sathish, overseeing finances and design to support NAMAHA's growth.


Gopalakrishnan.K S


Gopalakrishnan ensures NAMAHA's smooth operations with mastery in logistics and efficiency..


Faaz Yousuf AS


Faaz drives NAMAHA's brand strategy and customer experience with creative flair and marketing expertise. .


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